Current Assignment:

Bass, Bagpipes, and Vocals

Defining Musical Moment

   I started out playing the recorder in grade school. I did a few recitals and soon was promoted to playing the trombone. My music teacher Mrs. Crabtree noticed how well I could slide my bone and hit the notes perfectly. I was pleasantly surprised when I made first chair in the band. Things were great until I graduated from 6th grade.
   The transition from grade school band to middle school band was tuff. Now you had to audition and keep your first chair status. Mr. Miller liked it that way! We were always competing to see who had the best bone! After loosing my first chair status in a heated battle, I was dejected and looking for a new direction on my musical journey.
   As I walked out of the band room I remember hearing a Yes song being played on the custodian’s radio. The thing that stuck out in the song was the melodic bass lines of Chris Squire. Walking further down the hallway I soon slipped back into boner-depression. Frustrated, I kicked open the door to where my bike was locked. I suddenly caught wind of an AC/DC song being jammed on the soccer field. Cliff Williams was pounding out the low end. Then it hit me! This must be a sign from the Bass gods! No longer impotent and dejected, I had a calling! That summer I mowed lawns and bought my first bass: a red Peavey T40. The next part of my plan was to form a band with my best friend!